I would appreciate it when someone tell me the role of ethos-u55/65 shared buffer. I've read the implementaton of vela to suppose that the role is to hold ONE set of IFM/IFM2/OFM blocks (+LUT etc), for example, it holds one IFM block and one OFM block in Conv2D operation, but I'm not sure if it is: If it is true, I cannot understand the role of NPU_SET_BLOCKDEP. If there is only one IFM and one OFM in the shared buffer, why the NPU have to takes care of block dependency whose value is 2 or 3?
Best regards,
Hi Juudzi, Yes, the command stream generated by Vela is optimal and it leverages the NPU_SET_BLOCKDEP command. If you compile your model with --verbose-register-command-stream CLI option, you can see the command stream generated by the compiler and can see that the NPU_SET_BLOCKDEP parameter is used.
Best regards,George