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ARM64 inline assembly BL BLR BR instructions

lo all,

I am in the middle of a problem that I can't seem to figure out. It involves testing the instruction set using c++ and inline assembly for the arm64. My current problems are with BL, BLR and the BR instructions. My current code looks as follows:

#include <stdio.h>

#define LDRARRAYLENGTH   (4)

__asm __volatile
    ".global  myFunction               \n\t"
    ".p2align 4                        \n\t"
	".type    myFunction,%function     \n\t"
	"myFunction:				       \n\t"
		   "mov  x0, #10               \n\t"
		   "ret   x30                     \n\t"


bool BranchingModes(void)
	bool BranchingModesFlag = false;

	//local registers
	int regw0 = 0x00;
	int regw1 = 0x00;
	int regw2 = 0x00;
	int regw3 = 0x00;

     * Branch with Link branches to a PC-relative offset, setting
     * the register X30 to PC+4. It provides a hint that this is a
     * subroutine call.
    //Clear variables
	regw0 = 0x00;
	regw1 = 0x00;
	regw2 = 0x00;
	regw3 = 0x00;

    __asm __volatile
	    "mov  x0, #0                        \n\t"     /* setting up initial variable a */
		"bl myFunction                      \n\t"
		"mov  %[reg1],  x0                  \n\t"
		"nop                                \n\t"

		:[reg0] "=r"(regw0), [reg1] "=r"(regw1)
		:/* This is an empty input operand list */

     * The BL instruction calls a subroutine called myFunction within the subroutine
     * a variable/register gets a value of 10. When the subroutine returns the
     * the variable/register that got populated in the subroutine gets copied
     * to another variable/register to acknowledge that the subroutine got called
     * and returned using the BL instruction
    if((regw0 == 10) && (regw1 == 10))
    	BranchingModesFlag = true;
    	BranchingModesFlag = false;

    return BranchingModesFlag;

int main()
	unsigned int i0 = 0x00;
	unsigned int counter = 0x00;


	for(i0=0x00; i0<=10000;  i0++)
		counter = counter  + 1;

	return 0;

Issue is the code doesn't seem to make to the for loop after BranchingModes function. I know it's the asm section of the BranchingModes function which utilizes the BL instruction.  I am not sure what I am doing wrong with that instruction. Am I returning correctly out of the "myFunction" using "ret x30"? I have attempted to use "BR x30" with no success. As BL updates "PC+4" and gets sorted to x30.  Similar issue with the BLR instruction, I would appreciate any insight with my issues. Hello all,

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