Hello,I want to know the behavior of GICT in different clusters.The system has 10 cores with GIC600. Cluster 0: 8 cores Cluster 1: 2 coresscenario: While accessing the redistributor registe of cluster 1, GICT throws a software error GICT_ERRSTATUS.IERR : 0x1, SYN_PPI_PWRDWNGICT_ERRMISC0.Data : 0x08
I am trying to access Waker register of all the core. There is no error for cluster 0 even though the redistributor and cpu link is offline. But in cluster 1, when link offline then GICT throws error.scenario: Regarding the scrub operation, the system tries to set GICR_FCTLR.sip = 0x1 in the register of cluster 1. Here GICT throws error SYN_PPI_PWRDWN.Question 1: Is there any different behavior of GICT in a cluster-based system architecture?Question 2: Is there any additional setting required in GICT for a cluster-based system?Question 3: Is scrubbing done when the redistributor is in power in the state?
Thank you in advance.
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