Understanding the Purpose and Configuration of DAP_ROMID

I'm trying to understand the concept of DAP_ROMID, which is set in the ikvalidate.cfg file. In ikvalidate.cfg, there is a parameter called $DAP_ROMID, and I found a snippet like the one below:

When I checked the DAP information from my colleague, I found additional details like the ROM table base address, Component ID, and Peripheral ID in the DAP log file. However, I couldn't figure out the relationship or how the DAP_ROMID works in connection with these details


I have been trying to find the matching point to understand the purpose of DAP_ROMID. I checked the site https://developer.arm.com/documentation/102585/0100/What-is-a-ROM-table-, but I still couldn't figure out the usage or meaning of DAP_ROMID or how to correctly set it for implementation.

Could you help me understand what DAP_ROMID is for and how to configure it?

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