Amount of data that can be sent with one CMSIS-DAP data transfer command


I have a question about the debugger functions related to CMSIS-DAP and CoreSight.

I have a Cortex-M4 and M33 CPU board, and I can read 1KB of data from each target board using OpenOCD.

I currently try to increase the buffer size to reduce communication overhead.

For the M4 target board, I was able to read 4KB of data correctly using the DAP Transfer command "06h/DAP_TransferBlock".

However, for the M33 target board, I was unable to read the data I had written correctly using the same command.

Specifically, the first 1KB was correct, but the same data was repeated to make 4kB.

I wonder if there is a problem with the RAM size that can be used by the DAP commands of the M4 and M33, but I don't know how to deal with it.

Is the RAM size that can be handled by the DAP command of the M33 smaller than that of the M4?

If you have any information, please let me know.

Thank you.

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