Dear ARM Support Team,
after several tries I would need your support.
I am currently experiencing an issue with ARM Development Studio IDE Version: 2024.1 Build: 202410918, of which I purchased a license:
I have the need to compile a project created with MDK 5.30 and ARM Compiler 5.06 update 6.
Therefore I downloaded and installed the ARM Compiler 5.06 update 6 in the same folder of Development Studio:
Then registered the compiler:
And finally imported the uVision project with correct compiler, but when I try to build I get the following:
7:56:46 **** Build of configuration Debug for project MR88FX02_BSP_Target_1 ****
make all
'Building file: ../Cycle/CheckSheet.c'
'Invoking: Arm C Compiler for Embedded 5.6.6'
armcc.exe --cpu=Cortex-M0 --littleend -DCHIP_SELECT="MR88FX02" -D_RTE_ -DMR88Fx02 -I"C:\Users\xxxxxx\Documents\ARM\Development Studio Workspace\MR88FX02_BSP_Target_1/BaseBoard" -I"C:\Users\xxxxxx\Documents\ARM\Development Studio Workspace\MR88FX02_BSP_Target_1/MR88F002CI_7601S" -I"C:\Users\xxxxxx\Documents\ARM\Development Studio Workspace\MR88FX02_BSP_Target_1/MR_Wifi" -I"C:\Users\xxxxxx\Documents\ARM\Development Studio Workspace\MR88FX02_BSP_Target_1/MainProgramme" -I"C:\Users\xxxxxx\Documents\ARM\Development Studio Workspace\MR88FX02_BSP_Target_1/Cycle" -I"C:/Users/xxxxxx/AppData/Local/Arm/Packs/ARM/CMSIS/6.1.0/CMSIS/Core/Include" -I"C:/Users/xxxxxx/AppData/Local/Arm/Packs/MRSEMI/MR88Fx02/1.0.12/Device/Include" -I"C:\Users\xxxxxx\Documents\ARM\Development Studio Workspace\MR88FX02_BSP_Target_1/RTE" -I"C:\Users\xxxxxx\Documents\ARM\Development Studio Workspace\MR88FX02_BSP_Target_1/RTE/Device/MR88FX02CI" --c99 -O2 -g --diag_suppress=177 --diag_suppress=513 --diag_suppress=550 --diag_suppress=1295 --split_sections --md --depend_format=unix_escaped --no_depend_system_headers --depend_dir="Cycle" -c -o "Cycle/CheckSheet.o" "../Cycle/CheckSheet.c"
Error: C9555E: Failed to check out a license.
The license file could not be found. Check that ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE is set correctly.
Information about this error is available at:
General licensing information is available at:
If you need further help, provide this complete error report to your supplier or
- ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE: 'C:\Users\xxxxxx\AppData\Roaming\arm\ds\licenses'
- Product location: C:\Program Files\Arm\Development Studio 2024.1\sw\ARM_Compiler_5.06u6\sw\mappings
- Toolchain location: C:\Program Files\Arm\Development Studio 2024.1\sw\ARM_Compiler_5.06u6\bin
- Selected tool variant: product
- Checkout feature: compiler5
- Feature version: 5.0201709
- Flex error code: -1
Product: ARM Compiler 5.06
Component: ARM Compiler 5.06 update 6 (build 750)
Tool: armcc [4d3637]
make[1]: *** [Cycle/ Cycle/CheckSheet.o] Error 1
make: *** [makefile:59: all] Error 2
"make all" terminated with exit code 2. Build might be incomplete.
07:56:47 Build Failed. 3 errors, 0 warnings. (took 995ms)
Moreover when I create a diagnotic report from the license management utility I get the following info in the JSON:
"OperatingSystem": "windows/amd64", "SetupErrors": [], "EnvironmentVariables": [], "LegacyLicensing": { "EnvVars": [ { "Name": "ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE", "Value": "C:\\Users\\xxxxxx\\AppData\\Roaming\\arm\\ds\\licenses" } ], "FlexlmrcContent": ""
But the folder license does not exist in such path in my PC (it stops at ds folder):
I have no clue how to proceed. I really need your help.
Thank you for your assistance.
Further to Stephen's reply, you can enable older (components of) MDK with an MDK PROFESSIONAL EDITION license. An Essentials Edition will not suffice.
For instructions, see