Enable Semihosting in ARM DS 2024, ARM Compiler


I want to enable semihosting on ARM DS 2024 so I can create an output file. 
Can you tell me how to do that?

I am using Arm Compiler for Embeded 6 toolchain and Gnu Make Builder.

Warm regards

  • Hi Stephen

    I noticed "wt" and changed it to "w" before I run the file.
    However, I started debugging using your code and another files that I had been created.
    Although I get "fopen success 
    Hello World!" print in the app console, I can see no folder is created, and even if I create the folder and the file, it would not write anything on that.

    Is there any options that I have to check in ARM DS? (for example in debugging section)

    As you know I am using Arm Compiler for Embedded 6 and I did these changes on ARM DS commands:
    set semihosting enabled on
    set semihosting policy allow

    Thank you in advance for your kind cooperation.

  • Hi Stephen

    I noticed "wt" and changed it to "w" before I run the file.
    However, I started debugging using your code and another files that I had been created.
    Although I get "fopen success 
    Hello World!" print in the app console, I can see no folder is created, and even if I create the folder and the file, it would not write anything on that.

    Is there any options that I have to check in ARM DS? (for example in debugging section)

    As you know I am using Arm Compiler for Embedded 6 and I did these changes on ARM DS commands:
    set semihosting enabled on
    set semihosting policy allow

    Thank you in advance for your kind cooperation.

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