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Go to definition inactive with Arm Compiler 6

After migrating my project to Compiler 6, I noticed that 'Go To Definition' option in right-click menu is grayed out (actually, all neighbouring options are also grayed out - Go To Declaration, Go To Next Reference etc).

Text completion also doesn't work at all, ctrl+space just inserts space. There is an error in the status bar - "Module Error! Text completion deactivated". I'm not sure what to do with that.

All checkboxes about browse information and outputs are checked; there is no space in the 'Misc. controls'; no non-latin symbols in project path (not sure about system PATH though).

  • I suppose I should mention is here as well. I opened a ticket and, while composing a minimal example, I found out the reason for this - using `@filename` options in Options->Misc. controls, so compiler options would be read from that `filename`.

    This is the answer that I got from support:

    As mentioned before, although @file is a valid command line option for armclang, as you found in the user manual of armclang compiler, it is not supported by the compiler running in the background of uVision for the text completion and browse info etc. The compiler running in the backgroupd of uVision for the text completion and browse info etc. is a different compiler other than armclang. 

    Unfortunately this is a shortcoming of the compiler running in the background of uVision that not all of the armclang standard compiler options are supported by it. Thus, if you use @file in the "Misc Control", you can build your project without issue. But the module for text completion and browse info will be deactivated. Unfortunately our development team cannot resolve this issue due to the limitation of the compiler running in the background.

    Best Regards,

    Chen Tang
    Staff Application Engineer
    ARM Germany GmbH

    If I understand it correctly "this is a bug and it cannot be fixed" :/ Ok, fair enough, but at least documentation about @file should mention this limitation, shouldn't it?

  • I suppose I should mention is here as well. I opened a ticket and, while composing a minimal example, I found out the reason for this - using `@filename` options in Options->Misc. controls, so compiler options would be read from that `filename`.

    This is the answer that I got from support:

    As mentioned before, although @file is a valid command line option for armclang, as you found in the user manual of armclang compiler, it is not supported by the compiler running in the background of uVision for the text completion and browse info etc. The compiler running in the backgroupd of uVision for the text completion and browse info etc. is a different compiler other than armclang. 

    Unfortunately this is a shortcoming of the compiler running in the background of uVision that not all of the armclang standard compiler options are supported by it. Thus, if you use @file in the "Misc Control", you can build your project without issue. But the module for text completion and browse info will be deactivated. Unfortunately our development team cannot resolve this issue due to the limitation of the compiler running in the background.

    Best Regards,

    Chen Tang
    Staff Application Engineer
    ARM Germany GmbH

    If I understand it correctly "this is a bug and it cannot be fixed" :/ Ok, fair enough, but at least documentation about @file should mention this limitation, shouldn't it?

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