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Runtime check option in GNU ARM 7.3.1

Hello to everyone,

I would need to know if it is possible to set the runtime check enabled or disabled as a compiler option using GNU compiler 7.3.1. In the list of compiler commands I didn't find anything related to runtime check (as compiler option) but toolchain installion option.

Thanks in advance

Best Regards,


  • Hi Tamar,

    thank you very much for the clarification. 

    My question was related to the runtime check, if they are activated in GNU compiler release.

    Reading GNU configuration manual, `--enable-checking=release`  means that 'runtime' and 'assert' checks are activated.

    Does the option `--enable-checking=release` causes the user code instrumentation or not (from your answer it seems not)?


    thank you and BR,



  • Hi Tamar,

    thank you very much for the clarification. 

    My question was related to the runtime check, if they are activated in GNU compiler release.

    Reading GNU configuration manual, `--enable-checking=release`  means that 'runtime' and 'assert' checks are activated.

    Does the option `--enable-checking=release` causes the user code instrumentation or not (from your answer it seems not)?


    thank you and BR,



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