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Can I still buy ARM Compiler v5.06u6?

We got a project that still use this 5 years old compiler ARM v5/06u6.

Would you please help us to get it. Thank you.

  • >Can we buy a license of DS-5 directly from ARM?
    No, as I already mentioned, DS-5 is discontinued.

    >Can we buy ARM DS license and use it for DS-5?
    I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think so (I'm an expert for MDK). Your distributor should be able to help you with this question. However, you wrote that you want to use the compiler version 5.06u6. You can do this with ArmDS and with MDK. What CPU or MCU do you use in your application?

  • >Can we buy a license of DS-5 directly from ARM?
    No, as I already mentioned, DS-5 is discontinued.

    >Can we buy ARM DS license and use it for DS-5?
    I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think so (I'm an expert for MDK). Your distributor should be able to help you with this question. However, you wrote that you want to use the compiler version 5.06u6. You can do this with ArmDS and with MDK. What CPU or MCU do you use in your application?

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