I'm trying to connect via ssh to a Buildroot Linux instance running in an Armv-A Base RevC AEM FVP. These are the parameters I'm using:
FVP_Base_RevC-2xAEMvA \ -C bp.smsc_91c111.enabled=true -C bp.hostbridge.userNetworking=true \ -C bp.hostbridge.userNetPorts= -C bp.hostbridge.userNetSubnet= \ ....
Foundation_Platform \ --network=nat \ --network-nat-subnet= \ --network-nat-ports= \ ....
Thanks for your answer, but I think I realized the "issue". The problem is just that the Base RevC AEM FVP seems to be just too slow compared to Foundation AEM FVP. So it was not that the ssh connection was not working. It was just taking a long time. I noticed the by setting cache_state_modelled=0 the Base RevC AEM FVP model became much faster. When I retried connecting with ssh it was working.