I am currently working on a bettery managament system for one of of my electric vehicle project. for that i am using S32K146 MCU.
This category is for infrastructure related questions and queries, I do not think this is on theme. Could you please bring this to another one of the categories?
- Arm Developer Platforms Forum: https://community.arm.com/developer/tools-software/oss-platforms/f/dev-platforms-forum or...
- Cortex-M Forum: https://community.arm.com/developer/ip-products/processors/f/cortex-m-forum or...
- Embedded Forum: https://community.arm.com/developer/ip-products/system/f/embedded-forum
Also, I would suggest being more detailed with your question. Adding as much information as possible to your post will help us better answer your question. i.e. what have you already tried? What documentation have you already used? What exactly are you trying to accomplish? etc...