I'd like to use USART0 of my ATSAME70Q21 as SPI master but It does not work.
I'm using CMSIS driver (Keil). If I use UASRT as UART it works well.
The setting for SPI master is this:
case USART_0: Usart[Ch].pDrv->Initialize( Usart0Callback ); Usart[Ch].pDrv->PowerControl( ARM_POWER_FULL ); Usart[Ch].pDrv->Control( ARM_USART_MODE_SYNCHRONOUS_MASTER | ARM_USART_CPOL0 | ARM_USART_CPHA0 | ARM_USART_DATA_BITS_8, BaudRate ); Usart[Ch].pDrv->Control( ARM_USART_SET_DEFAULT_TX_VALUE, 0xFFFF );
Usart[Ch].pDrv->Control( ARM_USART_CONTROL_TX, 1 ); Usart[Ch].pDrv->Control( ARM_USART_CONTROL_RX, 1 ); break;
Usart[Ch].pDrv->Send( pData, Size );
Best regards
Hi Luca,
I'd suggest you dig into the driver and fix the things that are not working for you since a lot of functionality is already available.It is, however, not as easy as it sounds as implementing drivers or debugging them is always time consuming.
Good luck!
Best regards, Milorad