Hello, I'm using the ADICUP3029 developmentboard with Keil uv5. I cannot get the example programm successfully compiled because of the error L6236E: No section matches selector - no section to be FIRST/LAST. I've searched for solutions and I think the problem is with the scatter file but I actually don't ready unterstand the mechanism in it. Could anyone help me? Thanks.
Startup documents are already included
The scatter file
The RESET Area
The configuration form Options->Linker
Hiere I can choose bewteen "xxx Debug" and "xxx Release", is this relevant?
I've not seen such warnings before where all unused include paths and definitions are listed. Please check the startup....s file if the line "AREA RESET…" is really translated. You can then check the linker map file if this startup....o file is really included in the project or if some sections of this module were removed because they are unused (see table 'Removing Unused input sections from the image').