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Mali-470 mp3 vs Mali-G52 mp2

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to find out which GPU have the best performance between the Mali-470 mp3 and the Mali-G52 mp2.

Actually I hardly know anything (almost nothing) about Mali GPU (which are ARM based GPU I guess, correct me if I'm wrong) and I'm looking to buy a Smart TV for my aunt.

I found 2 televisions that fit what she needs, and in fact it's almost the same model with a slight difference: the GPU !

Also, if ever you have time, a little explanation about why one is better than the other would be welcome ;)

Thanks for reading my message and have a good day.

PS: The 2 TV model I'm looking at are Xiaomi P1 and Xiaomi P1E if ever you're wondering.

  • Thank you very much for taking the time to answer sir.
    That helped me to chose (as even if they might be the same).

    Also learnt today that "mpX" means core ;)

    I'll go for the newer one, keeping in mind that those 2 GPU are surrounded by the same elements and might have the same performance.

  • Thank you very much for taking the time to answer sir.
    That helped me to chose (as even if they might be the same).

    Also learnt today that "mpX" means core ;)

    I'll go for the newer one, keeping in mind that those 2 GPU are surrounded by the same elements and might have the same performance.

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