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How do you use the embedded debug probe on the Morello hardware board to connect to Development Studio (Morello Edition)?

The Morello Edition of Development Studio user guide states: “If you are debugging code on the Arm Morello System Development Platform, you can either use the embedded debug probe on the board, or you can attach one of the supported debug hardware probes.”

How do you use the embedded debug probe on the board to connect to Development Studio for bare-metal development and debugging? And what are the steps to follow?

A USB debug cable to the host computer came with the Morello hardware. I have used this to talk to the com ports and set up time/date as per the set up instructions. Is the embedded debug accessed via this same cable?

Also to set up a hardware debug connection (instead of model connection to FVP) in Development Studio, it seems to require hardware packs to be downloaded, is there one available for Morello?, is it required for the embedded debug?

Many thanks

  • Hi Jen, I can answer part of your question. The single USB connection gives access to the onboard Ulink debugger, the MCC management mass storage and the UARTs.

  • Hi Jen,

    Ensure you have the latest Arm Development Studio 2022.0M0 installed (Help > About Arm Development Studio IDE). If not, you can download from here:

    From the IDE menu, go to File > New > Hardware Connection, and give the Debug connection some meaningful name. For ease of file management (the connection will be defined in a .launch file), I recommend associating with your project. Click next, then select Morello SDP, which is the only available option (Add a new platform is unavailable in this release). Click Finish. You will now go to the Debug Configuration pane.

    Select CMSIS-DAP from the Target Connection pulldown, then Browse button in Connection, and you should see your board pop up. Select that, and you should be able to debug. Navigate to Files tab to load image and/or symbols, and Debugger tab to control how you connect (just connect, debug from entry point...).

    Regards, Ronan

  • Many thanks, problem solved!. As you mentioned, I needed the latest version of Development Studio! As noted during the post-installation process it asks to install the debug pack which is what I had missing on the earlier version of Development Studio and therefore couldn't create a hardware debug connection.

  • Hello, I'm a beginner trying to debug a baremetal application running on the Morello board.

    I followed the "User Guide" and "Running a standalone baremetal application" documents from release1.4. I created the "fip.bin" from "helloworld" executable, and copied it to "SOFTWARE" directory of storage device that pops up after plugging Debug USB cable. The AP port prints "hello" correctly. In Arm Development Studio 2022.0M0 I followed steps from the answer to the original question and I was able to view the following:

    Below is the configuration I used:

    I can see that some information is outputted like disassembly, memory contents, and registers. But there are errors and warnings in the "Commnads" tab like:

    ! Failed to load "helloworld"
    ! Unable to detect image type of file "/home/michal/morello_board/standalone_build/helloworld/helloworld""

    ! Failed to start the target
    ! The string "$ENTRYPOINT" cannot be interpreted as a positive int
    ! Entry point not set
    WARNING(CMD407): Trying the entry point instead
    ERROR(CMD426): Cannot find symbol to start or entrypoint, the file or load commands may be used to set the entrypoint"

    Do you know what I may be doing wrong?

    Also, should I somehow modify the compilation commands to output a file with symbols?

    I assume that typically in IDE like this, it is possible to compile a program, set a breakpoint, run the program (possibly on external hardware), examine its state during a breakpoint and then proceed with execution, stepping line by line. Is such "line by line stepping" possible using Arm Development Studio 2022.0M0 and Morello board?

    Thank you in advance.

  • Hi Michal

    The errors you see coming from the Arm DS Debugger are because it is expecting an ELF image, possibly containing DWARF debug information.

    The "helloworld" binary generated by the llvm-objcopy step is a plain binary, with no ELF wrapper or DWARF debug information.

    An ELF version of the image is generated by the link step, but it looks like that is being overwritten by the objcopy step.

    You'll need to:
    - add "-g" to the compile step to add debug information
    - change the output filename of the link and/or objcopy step, so that both helloworld.elf and helloworld (.bin) are generated
    - rebuild

    The helloworld binary is already loaded on the target, so there is no need for you to tell the debugger to load it too, however, you will need to load the debug symbols into the debugger, so add helloworld.elf into the "Load symbols from file" option in the debug configuration.

    To avoid the helloworld binary from completing execution before you've had a chance to connect the debugger, you may need to add a branch-to self loop into the beginning of it.  Then, after connecting the debugger, you can stop, set the PC to the next instruction, and then continue running.

    Please also take a look at

    Hope this helps


  • Thank you, I followed the steps but it seems there is "unsupported ELF file" issue

    I used the following commands to create the elf file:

    $TOOLCHAIN/bin/clang -target aarch64-none-elf -c $PROGRAM_NAME.c -o $PROGRAM_NAME.o -O3 -g
    $TOOLCHAIN/bin/ld.lld -o $PROGRAM_NAME.elf -T link_scripts.ld.S $PROGRAM_NAME.o -s

    Where "TOOLCHAIN" leads to "baremetal-release-1.4" branch of llvm-project-releases. I'm using ARM Development Studio version 2022.0M0 (build 202200006).

    Do you know what may be the reason for this error?

  • Hi Michal

    It looks like you have accidentally connected to the Cortex-M3 core, and are trying to download an AARCH64 image to it.  That won't work :)  Try connecting to the Morello core 0 instead.
