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Connecting intelligence devices is key in every domain. Our materials, devices and circuits research explores innovative fundamental technologies, enabling applications which are not yet possible.
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Fast power-modelling for accurate CPU power-introspection
Shidhartha Das
APOLLO achieves fast, yet accurate power-modelling for both design- and runtime power-introspection within the same unified framework.
November 9, 2021
Scalable MTJ simulation: How to efficiently analyze stochasticity in MRAM (2/2)
Fernando García Redondo
In part-two we continue to explore the simulation, characterization, and analysis of MRAM stochasticity, sharing a compact model and framework.
August 2, 2021
Scalable MTJ simulation: Reliable and efficient compact models
Fernando García Redondo
In part-two of the scalable MTJ simulation, we share a compact model and framework for the efficient and scalable simulation of circuits with MRAMs.
July 28, 2021
PlasticArm: Realizing the full potential of the Internet of Things
Charlotte Christopherson
PlasticArm is bringing the possibility of seamlessly embedding billions of extremely low-cost, ultra-thin, conformable microprocessors into everyday objects – a significant leap forward in realising the…
July 21, 2021
Buried interconnects for signal routing
Rahul Mathur
Buried interconnects can help mitigate the interconnect resistance issue and augment the technology scaling roadmap for sub-5nm process nodes.
July 16, 2021
3D stacking for next-generation high performance energy efficient systems
Brian Cline
Project Trishul demonstrates the feasibility and readiness of high-density, face-to-face, wafer-bonded 3D stacking technologies for high performance, energy-efficient designs.
March 4, 2021
M0N0: A flashback
Benoit Labbe
Designing any power-converter is a matter of compromises. For M0N0, we focused on efficiency at an extremely low output power - but how?
February 11, 2021
Arm Research’s John Biggs awarded the 2020 Ron Waxman Award for Meritorious Service to DASC
Rhiannon Burleigh
John Biggs, one of Arm’s founders and a Distinguished Engineer, has been awarded the Ron Waxman Award by the Design Automation Standards Committee (DASC).
December 4, 2020
M0N0: A tale of three devices
Benoit Labbe
M0N0 is advertised at 10nW shutdown power, but it is not all sleeping power. There is a piece of circuit constantly monitoring your battery, ensuring there is enough energy stored for M0N0 to perform…
November 4, 2020
M0N0: The devil is in the details
Benoit Labbe
Smaller, cheaper, more efficient; three considerations when designing a power converter, and one usually prioritises one theme. Designing a power converter for M0N0 is no different.
November 2, 2020
M0N0: An Arm Research platform for N-ZERO sensors
Pranay Prabhat
Changing the batteries: A routine task just about manageable if it is needed once a month on household devices. But what if your devices are deployed in their thousands in remote, inaccessible locations…
August 10, 2020
Training DNN IoT Applications for Deployment on Analog NVM Crossbars
Fernando García Redondo
At the heart of computing at the edge, we find efficient low-power signal processors and ML accelerators. However, limits on compute and memory resources restrict the size and the complexity of the ML…
August 3, 2020
Design and Manufacturing in 2030
Greg Yeric
Presenting his SkyTalk at DAC 2020, Greg Yeric discusses his predictions for design and manufacturing in 2030.
July 22, 2020
It is time for natively flexible processors
Emre Ozer
The story behind our flexible processors paper started with how to make billions of everyday things smart.
July 13, 2020
University of Southampton - An Arm Research Centre of Excellence
Rhiannon Burleigh
Arm Research Collaboration's Centres of Excellence represent our collaborative links with academia, supporting cutting-edge research. The University of Southampton is one of these Centres where we part…
May 26, 2020
Arm Researcher wins IEEE ComSoc Award in Parliament | STEM for Britain 2020
Ben Fletcher
STEM for Britain is an annual poster competition for early-career researchers in science, technology, engineering and maths. This year, Ben Fletcher was selected to present his research in the finals to…
March 30, 2020
Can we Bury our Scaling Problems with Buried Power Rails and Back-side Power Delivery?
Divya Prasad
In the current technology scaling paradigm, semiconductor device physics and conductor parasitics are fundamentally limiting microprocessor performance beyond the 7nm process node. There are two major…
March 5, 2020
A Low-power Timer Enabling Timed Shutdown of Arm-based Microcontrollers for IoT Applications
Philex Fan
IoT sensor nodes place severe energy constraints on computing platforms. Duty-cycling helps to reduce the power of the sensor node to save energy, but requires an ultra-low-power timer for reliable timed…
December 9, 2019