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SMARTER: How can edge computing support shared infrastructure?
Alexandre Peixoto Ferreira
Our approach to creating a shared Edge computing framework borrows from the cloud, where a user allocates resources in each physical node it requests access to.
May 4, 2021
Collaborating without divulging secrets with Veracruz
Dominic Mulligan
Veracruz explores how novel, data-intensive distributed systems can be built using Strong Isolation Technologies and remote attestation.
April 27, 2021
Anomaly Detection in IoT networks
In the past few years there has been mushroom style growth in IoT networks. The security aspect of intrusion detection and preventions is generally an afterthought.
November 16, 2020
SMARTER: A Smarter-Device-Manager for Kubernetes on the Edge
Alexandre Peixoto Ferreira
Part three of the SMARTER blog, smarter-device-manager enables containers deployed using Kubernetes to access devices available on the node. A capability essential for IoT applications running at the edge…
May 5, 2020
SMARTER: An Approach to Edge Compute Observability and Performance Monitoring
Josh Minor
Part two of the SMARTER blog series, decentralizing applications from data centers to machines closer to where valuable data is collected has become an catalyst for rethinking the way we manage application…
April 16, 2020
SMARTER: A smarter-cni for Kubernetes on the Edge
Chris Adeniyi-Jones
The decreasing cost and power consumption of intelligent, interconnected, and interactive devices at the edge of the internet are creating opportunities to instrument our cities, factories, farms and environment…
April 9, 2020
Continuous Cross-Architecture Integration with GitLab
Eric Van Hensbergen
Arm has had a long history of research into distributed systems. We have previously focused that research on applying Arm technology to HPC, but in recent years we’ve also been looking at various forms…
October 8, 2019
Creating Minimal Docker Images for the Edge
Josh Minor
Carefully crafting your Dockerfiles proves to be not only important for minimizing your container attack surface, but also for speeding up the deployment times of applications running both in the cloud…
September 12, 2019
Logic-compatible Gain Cell eDRAM: A Real Alternative to SRAM
Charlotte Christopherson
Andreas Burg, Associate Professor at EPFL, joined us at last year's Research Summit to discuss Gain Cell eDRAM as an alternative to conventional SRAM memories.
June 14, 2019
Research in a Post-Moore Era: HPCA 2019
Ilias Vougioukas
This February I attended the Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA) in Washington D.C, which celebrated its 25th anniversary this year. Apart from being a milestone HPCA, this year…
May 1, 2019
Persistency for Synchronization-Free Regions
William Wang
Emerging non-volatile memories (NVM), such as 3D XP and STT-MRAM, offer the promises of combining the performance and byte-addressability of DRAM with the density and non-volatility of NAND. Such non-volatile…
July 2, 2018
Exploring Innovative System Design: Computing Frontiers 2018
Chris Adeniyi-Jones
Computing Frontiers seeks to explore novel and innovative approaches for design of various types of computing systems: embedded, mobile, high-performance, and more, in order to address increasing complexity…
June 5, 2018
Do you want to build a robot?
René de Jong
Who wants to build a robot? Robots can be expensive, time consuming and challenging to get right. For those of us who want to focus on the software systems without having to build a robot, there are simulators…
May 14, 2018
A Research publication hat-trick!
Radhika Jagtap
I've had several opportunities to supervise student interns doing their Master’s or PhD degrees. As you can see from the map above, our interns come to us from all over the world, and three internships…
April 17, 2018