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In our connected world, trust and security are paramount. Our security research aims to identify and counter potential security risks, increase trust, and reduce the chance of security breaches in future products and devices
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Systems are only as secure at their weakest link. Our research helps remove excuses for untrustworthiness, eliminating vulnerabilities and protecting our devices. Explore the Arm Research Impact Report 2021 to learn more.
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Simulating for System-on-Chip security
Andrew Pickard
Researchers at Télécom Paris are working to identify security weaknesses, anticipate future attacks, and develop mitigations.
June 26, 2024
An injection of ingenuity
Andrew Pickard
A group of French researchers are collaborating on Arm IP to build defences against one particular type of attack, fault injection.
September 15, 2023
Cryptography: what is under the mask?
Andrew Pickard
Sorbonne Université has been using Arm processor source code for modelling and verification on the hardware at the micro-architectural level.
May 26, 2022
Addressing the hardware supply chain security challenge
Rhiannon Burleigh
With the proliferation of smart devices, we need to make sure we are protecting our data. But have you ever considered the threat to the hardware supply chain?
April 30, 2021
Collaborating without divulging secrets with Veracruz
Dominic Mulligan
Veracruz explores how novel, data-intensive distributed systems can be built using Strong Isolation Technologies and remote attestation.
April 27, 2021
Traveling beyond Moore’s Law – together
Andrea Kells
When the University of Michigan partnered with Arm Research on a project for DARPA, there was a remaining technical gap the team needed to bridge, and Arm Research knew the ideal partner.
December 14, 2020
Why Study Consistency Models in Distributed Storage Systems?
Operational semantics are a precise, mathematical description of how a storage system should behave, and parametric in the choice of the consistency model.
August 17, 2020
Arm-University of Bristol Centre of Excellence
Rhiannon Burleigh
Following many years of collaboration on a range of research projects, Arm Research and the University of Bristol have established an Arm Centre of Excellence. Six months in, the Centre of Excellence is…
February 3, 2020
Securing Small-Business and Home IoT Devices: Mitigating Network-Based Attacks Using Manufacturer Usage Description (MUD)
Charlotte Christopherson
Arm Research is collaborating with NIST in the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) on Mitigating IoT-Based DDoS to develop practical, interoperable cybersecurity approaches that address…
May 14, 2019
Hardware Side-Channels: Can Performance and Security Coexist?
Ilias Vougioukas
The year 2018 will be remembered in computing history for the discovery of the Spectre and Meltdown exploits. With understandable focus in this domain from both academia and industry, we ask whether security
February 20, 2019
Testing crypto performance and power consumption
Hannes Tschofenig
With the release of the SecureMark-TLS benchmark by the
Embedded Microprocessor Benchmark Consortium
(EEMBC) this summer, it is now possible to gather information about the performance and power consumption…
December 20, 2018
The Semantics of Transactions and Weak Memory in x86, Power, Arm, and C++
Nathan Chong
Dr Nathan Chong (Principal Researcher, Arm) discusses his work with Tyler Sorensen (PhD student, Imperial College London) and Dr John Wickerson (Research Fellow, Imperial College London) on the semantics…
July 16, 2018
Concurrent Programming, Transactions and Weak Memory
Nathan Chong
Concurrent programming is about the useful interaction of multiple processes over shared resources, and ensuring atomicity is just one of the challenges faced. The fundamental difficulty is that concurrent…
July 9, 2018
Improving firmware updates for Internet of Things devices – The IETF SUIT Hackathon
Hannes Tschofenig
The Internet Engineering Task Force met in London from March 17th – 23rd for the first face-to-face meeting of the IETF Software Updates group for Internet of Things (SUIT). The SUIT working group is chartered…
June 27, 2018
Mbed Secure Device Access: Enhancing IoT device management with user authentication and fine-grained access control
Hannes Tschofenig
The current specification for LwM2M is not a good fit when the server itself is a constrained IoT device and when user authentication together with fine grained dynamic access control is demanded. Complementing…
March 20, 2018